Quick Check List to Start Summer Training, Required Forms & Deadlines

Last updated on May 1, 2024 @ 8:15 pm  

  1. Register on REMIND ASAP: Athletes text @etcross to 81010 & parents text @etxcparent to 81010
  2. Register for Summer Conditioning by June 24, 2024
  3. Complete Athlete Clearance Online by the first day of summer practice
  4. Complete a Sports Screening Form by the first day of summer practice
  5. Register for XC Stats ASAP using registration code @etxctf
  6. Get fitted for running shoes at a running specialty store like Road Runner Sports.  To prevent injuries, make sure you have your stride/gate checked by a running specialty store.  This year, thanks to Mr. Follman, all frosh athletes who sign up for summer will receive a free pair of custom-fitted running shoes from Road Runners Sports along with a pair of running socks during our team night on June 25th.  A $200 value! Sign up for a time slot to reserve a time for fitting.
  7. Get a running watch ($10-15 on Amazon). A watch with GPS is preferred, but not required.

Is there a Try-Out?

No, not for an incoming freshman.  Please check our website at www.eltorocc.com under CC Team Policy for additional info. For all returners, you must participate in at least 75% of the summer training (32 out of 42 practice days) or make the team at our Try Out.  For anyone who is not Frosh (all returners), you must try out and meet these marks if you missed more than 10 days of practice.

Minimum standards for returning/non-Frosh athletes (2-mile course)
Sophomore Boys/Girls: 12:30/15:00
Junior Boys/Girls: 12:00/14:30
Senior Boys/Girls: 11:30/14:00

Schedule and location: We will meet in front of ET Gym at 7:00 am (Mon to Fri), 7:30 am (Sat). Practice locations will change as we get further into our training.  The schedule will be sent out each week.  

Inspirational Summer Training Video



The first 8 weeks of summer training is THE MOST IMPORTANT phase of training, not only to be successful but you will have a much easier time in the season and it will be an enjoyable experience.

Begin slow and easy. Run at a relaxed pace each day. Do not try and prove how fast or how far you can run.  Follow your coach’s instructions.  Running more or faster will only lead to injuries.  Gradually, you may increase your distance each week. Usually, you should increase by around 2-4 miles per week. Come to practice daily. It is much easier running with others than by yourself. Choose a time to run each day and stick to it. Consistency is the key to improvement.

Have fun when you run! Pick different routes or courses daily but follow the coach’s directions. Choose different areas and terrain – variety is the spice of life, and running on various courses and terrains helps keep you mentally sharp.

As your fitness improves (it will take around 5-6 weeks for this to happen), incorporate a few hills into your training. Talk to your coach about proper hill running technique.

Make sure you warm up properly and stretch well after you run for at least 10 minutes. This will prevent injury and allow your body to break down any waste product that might have built up during your run.

Before you begin your training, make sure that you have a good pair of running shoes! See the running shoes page for more details. Check with your coach as to the types of shoes that are appropriate and to evaluate the shoes you are using.

Write down your training each day on your training log on XC Stats. Include distance (be sure to keep track of this, and make sure that you are meeting your weekly total), how you felt, weather conditions, and anything else of interest (you saw a bird fall from the sky, met two runners, found family of ducks, etc.).

Cross-training is a good thing but do not start without consulting your coach. Ice your shins and knees after longer workouts, or after difficult workouts. Make sure to refuel with your favorite recovery fluid afterward.  This will help in preventing injury. Your body is going to be tired as it is adapting to higher levels of stress (and they say running is easy!). If you feel overly tired or feel an injury, back off of your training for a few days and rest. Then begin your training gradually… listen to your body! If you treat it well, it will do the same to you.  Follow team guidelines and do not ever run more than what is on your daily schedule.  STAY PATIENT!!!


1. Frequency – this is how often you train. This is the key to cardiovascular fitness– the more often you train, the more efficient your oxygen-carrying capacity will become.
2. Duration – how long you train each day. This is important as well but many people vary their duration each day. One long run of 20-25% of your weekly volume per week is recommended.
3. Intensity – How hard you train – experience will dictate this factor.  Running ALL OUT is almost NEVER recommended.  Save it for race day.


Oftentimes, you may ask yourself, “Why run so many miles?” This is a valid question and you need to understand the reason behind why we train this way.

The coaching staff has carefully planned out your training based on several factors. First of all, there are well over 100+ years of experience in your coaches, who have run well over 100,000+ miles throughout their lives.

They have trained through many different styles and under different coaches. Also, your coaches have had experience training high school distance runners for the past 40+ years. There have been countless hours of research and made observations of many distance runners over the last five-plus decades, as well as have read about athletes that trained in the pre-1960s. Also, much discussion has been made with other coaches and listened to how their programs were structured. All of these things have been woven into personal experiences which result in the coaching staff’s training philosophy. Certainly what may work for one team or group of high schoolers may not work as well with another group. Although we will make adjustments based on each individual, you must adapt your philosophy to the needs of your team.

The basis of a successful cross country is a solid training base. This foundation is laid carefully and gradually over a period of 2-3 months (8-12 weeks) in which athletes must understand and be patient with the system. Avoiding short-cuts and seeking to be consistent is the key. This is the opposite of what most want. We live in an instant society with hopes of making great progress instantly. Distance running works quite the opposite, as the more gradually you build the base, the stronger it will be. In other words, if you wish to race well in November, you must do the patient foundational work in June, July and August. The base period consists primarily of distance runs, hills and steady-state runs. This period lasts about 2-3 months (8-12 weeks). The following is why this base foundation is necessary.  Think of this phase as depositing money in your bank and racing as going shopping.  Can you shop without money in your bank account?  It just happens that our State Meet is over the Thanksgiving weekend.  Better have a lot of money for Black Friday shopping!!

1. This type of training allows your body to adapt gradually (2-4+ miles per week increase) to avoid injury.
2. This type of training keeps you fresh, and even though you are training high mileage, you do not feel “over-trained.”
3. This type of training raises your aerobic capacity, which is the ability of your body to process oxygen which, in turn, helps fuel your muscles. The greater the base, the greater your aerobic capacity. Build more capillaries to transport more oxygen. Build larger and more mitochondria (muscle factories) just to name a few.
4. This type of training prevents you from peaking too early and will allow you to peak in November, during the League Finals, CIF and State Championship.
5. This type of training develops strength.


There are several common-sense things you can do, but the most fundamental practice is to BE COURTEOUS AND RUN DEFENSIVELY.

Please review and follow the guidelines listed below.

1. Run on the sidewalk, not in the street.

2. Cross the street only at a corner, preferably at a stop sign or stoplight. NEVER-UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES-ARE YOU TO CROSS THE STREET UNLESS AT A SAFE CORNER WITH THE RIGHT OF WAY.

3. Always yield to vehicles, bicycle riders, skateboarders, rollerbladers and skaters, and pedestrians. Give them the benefit of the right of way at all times. Be courteous.

4. Run defensively. Never ever assume that drivers see you. Always make eye contact with the driver before you enter the street in front of a stopped vehicle. Even if you know you have the right of way, often drivers do not see pedestrians, especially if you are in motion. Remember that drivers are often in a hurry and don’t always take the time to look.

5. Be alert at all times. Sometimes running in a group, runners will be busy talking and not paying attention to their surroundings. Look for unusual situations. Listen for unusual sounds. Be prepared for the unexpected.

6. In places where there is no sidewalk, run single-file on the shoulder of the road, or as far off the road as possible. It is usually best to run against the flow of traffic in this situation.

You are responsible to your teammates, coaches, and school to adhere to and to hold each other accountable to the guidelines. Failure to do so may jeopardize your privilege of participation in cross country.


The success of your cross country season begins with careful planning and a solid foundation of training during the summer months. The emphasis is on a gradual increase in mileage of about 2-4+ miles per week. The majority of the training is distance/time based and running on hills. It takes time for your body to adapt to the increase in mileage but if spread out over a three-month period it will serve three main objectives:

1. Prevention of injury

2. An increase in aerobic capacity which enables your body to process oxygen more efficiently and run faster times

3. A strong base that prevents you from “peaking” too early and will allow you to peak later in the season. Study the following Mileage Goal Plan, and look at the previous year’s training and personal bests. Take some time and decide what you want to accomplish during the upcoming season. Set your goals for the miles per week and goal times for a 3-mile course and at Mt. SAC (a quite-hilly course).  Do not change from the group you are assigned to without the coach’s approval.


(Mi/Wk × Wks)
19th, 1st year (beginner)20 mi/wk11
220 miles
360 miles
210th, 2nd year
25 mi/wk16
400 miles
500 miles
311th, 3rd year (advanced)30 mi/wk18
540 miles*
720 miles
412th, 4th year (advanced)35 mi/wk18
630 miles*
840 miles
This "Mileage Goal Plan" is a guide. You may strive to exceed the plan for your level or grade, but please plan this with your coach so you can receive any necessary guidance to structure your training.
*500(girls)/600(boys) Mile Club: if you run 500 miles or more during the 17-week period (1st week in June - Last week in September), you will receive the famed 500/600 Mile Club t-shirt. Wear it with pride